spicy guava cocktail — Home

Spicy Guava Cocktail

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3.65L of the cocktail


- 1L of vodka (more than 1 full)
- 2L of guava juice
- 650ml of lime juice
- Tabasco sauce as per preference (1/3 of a bottle is recommended)
- Red chili powder
- Salt
- Green chillis
- Lime wedges

Other Requirements

- Large vessel (3L+)

Steps to Prepare

1. Prepare the Mixer

  1. Pour the guava juice (2L) in the large vessel. Add the lime juice (650ml) to the vessel. Add tabasco sauce in small quantities and mix well. Keep tasting the juice to test for adequate spice. The taste of tabasco should be a mild spicy after taste.

2. Prepare the Glass

  1. Mix equal amounts of salt and chilli powder on a plate, so that a red white powder is formed. Spread the powder out so that a thin layer is present across a large area.

  2. Rub lime along the rime of the glass, so that there is a layer of moisture all along the rim. Now place the rim of the glass on the plate with the spices, so that a layer of salt and chilli powder sticks to the glass.

4. Pour the Drink

  1. Pour vodka in to cover 1/4 of the intended volume of the drink in the glass.
  2. Pour the mixer of guava juice, lime juice and tabasco to cover the remaining 3/4 of the drink. Thus vodka and the mixer should be poured in a 1:3 ratio.
  3. Slit oped a chilli (along the chilli), without the seeds falling out. Place the chilli in the glass, to use as a stirrer.

End of Note

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